
0J East

Up to two months free on select apartments. *Restrictions apply. Contact for details.

6 Currently Available

Apartment 0253

Studio | 1 Bath Starting at $3,050/month** Apply now

Apartment 0353

Studio | 1 Bath Starting at $3,050/month** Apply now

Apartment 0453

Studio | 1 Bath Starting at $3,050/month** Apply now

Apartment 0553

Studio | 1 Bath Starting at $3,050/month** Apply now

Apartment 0653

Studio | 1 Bath Starting at $3,050/month** Apply now

Apartment 0753

Studio | 1 Bath Starting at $3,050/month** Apply now

*Select units only. Restrictions apply; inquire for details.

**Rent displayed is for the best-priced term. Rates vary by lease term and move-in date. Select “Apply Now” to see all other rate options.